We are harnessing data from Yelp so you can ask your friends where to eat, meet, or drink. Decide which app to download, book to read, or music to listen to using iTunes Media. You are able to use data from Yelp, iTunes, iBooks, the App Store, Trip Advisor, and your camera all from an easy to navigate interface within our question building flow.
Spurred from internal debates on where to eat lunch or where to get drinks after work, we decided there was a better solution. Inbetween various clients and the switch to iOS7 we were able to build Three Cents in a little over a year. It’s something that we hold dear to our hearts and take alot of pride in.
It was very important that anyone could answer questions. If you are planning a trip with people that use Android, they should have a say in the activities also. Therefore, you can answer questions via Facebook, email, text, and on the web. We also worked very closely with Twitter to allow users to vote directly from a tweet with Twitter Cards.